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Teaching Material

Welcome to Kristina's ESL and Spanish teaching materials. Here you’ll find a selection of resources for instructors and students alike. Explore Kristina's projects to learn how you can take your teaching or education to the next level.

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Annie, China

“I feel that Chloe is now able to talk to you confidently in class, which shows she is making progress... because you are a good teacher, Chloe can love learning English and stick to it."

Ming, Germany

"I'm very happy. I've seen her English improve and she likes to take lessons with you, that's great!"

Alexander, Ecuador

"Thank you, Kristina! You are always a great teacher. You explain everything in detail."

Sandy, Germany

"Sophie loves to take your course and she will enjoy listening to your advice. I really appreciate all the help you've been giving [her]."

Houwen, Singapore

"Miranda always enjoys studying with you. :)"

Stacey, USA

"After the first class, Adelaide was already talking about the different ways to say 'you' in Spanish!"
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